What is a Vendor Information Form?
A Vendor Information Form (VIF) is a snap shot of your company. The information contained in the Vendor Information Form is what management companies and their managers to use to scout service providers for their upcoming jobs. It is your best source for marketing to individual managers within an association.
Why is it so important that we complete a Vendor Information Form?
A Vendor Information Form aids in the ability to satisfy a compliant status. Association Services Network (ASN) uses the details in the Vendor Information Form to determine the need for Worker’s Compensation & Auto Insurance. It also provides important tax information that is shared with the management companies. The details about your company operation become a database for resources for managers so that they can have access to your company profile 24/7.
Insurance Agent information is a must to request & expediently process renewal certificates.
Is it possible to be Compliant without a Vendor Information Form?
No. Due to the data contained in a Vendor Information Form and the links to the system, we cannot make your company compliant without a completed Vendor Information Form.